RGB RF 2,4GHz ovládač MUSIC TQ 2 DC12-24V 18A

RGB RF 2,4GHz ovládač MUSIC TQ 2 DC12-24V 18A

  • RGB ovládač s RF ďiaľkovým ovládaním
  • Reaguje na AUDIO podnety - 15 AUDIO programov
  • Ďiaľkové ovládanie dotykové s farebným kruhom pre plynulé nastavovanie farieb
  • Napájacie napätie 12V-24V
  • Max Output 6A pre každý okruh (celkovo 3 okruhy 18A) pre 12V výkon 216W, pre 24V výkon 432W

Detailné informácie

€31,40 €25,53 bez DPH

Podrobný popis

Kontrolér má preddefinovaných 20 klasických režimov (7 statiských farieb a 13 dynamických módov), umožňuje rýchlu voľbu zobrazovanej farby pomocou farebného kruhu na diaľkovom ovládaní a má prednastavených 15 hudobných režimov, ktoré reagujú na zvukový podnet.


  • Controlled by radio-frequency capacitive touch, effective control distance up to 20 m
  • With 3.5MM audio, non-interfered music mode works better.
  • Color changing is more exquisite with PWM.
  • With Dual channel output, the maximum power is 432W
  • Easier to white mode with intelligent switch.
  • Available for all sorts of constant voltage RGB lamps, such as RGB stripsoft strip, RGB panel lights, RGB light modules etc.
  • Remote with special fixed seat, convenient for users


  • Input Voltage: DC12V~24V
  • Output power: Max 18A
  • Volume control: 70dB
  • Remote battery: AAA *2
  • Remote standby power consumption: 0.08mW
  • Remote operating power consumption: 20mW

Install Caution:

  • This product is non-waterproof, please avoid the sun and rain. If you install it outdoor, please use the waterproof box.
  • Good heat dissipation can prolong the working life of LED controller, please install the product in a well-ventilated place.
  • Please don't install or use these products in situations of thunder and lightning, high-intensity magnetic field or high-pressure.
  • Please make sure that the output voltage of the LED power supply complies with the voltage range of the product.
  • For safety, be sure that the operating current does NOT overload the wire capability.
  • Before power on, make sure that ports are connected correctly. Wrong connection will damage the products.



Dodatočné parametre

Hmotnosť: 0.4 kg
Certifikácia: CE, RoHS
Pracovná teplota: -20° až 60°C
Váha: 200g
Vstupné napätie: DC12V-24V
Produkt nájdete v tejto kategórii
RGB, RGBW, RGB+CCT ovládanie

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